Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My new tattoo

It REALLY hurt! Maybe I'm just a big baby, but wow. I had an easier time walking after Ironman than I did after getting the tattoo. There is some symbolism with the whale: while most people struggle to shave every extra gram from their bikes to make them as light as possible, I ride around with a killer whale squeaky horn. It's just part of my way of not taking triathlon TOO seriously. So although my tattoo may LOOK like a giant predator of the ocean, it's really just an adorable squeaky horn.


21stCenturyMom said...

Su-weet! Now I get why those guys had the blow up whale at CdA.

Tea said...


Scottie said...

Sweet Tat!! I need to get mine on here. I got mine on Tuesday. We flew down to San Diego to see Shamu at Sea World. Great show. Not saying that your tat is Shamu, It's just that all killer whales are kick ass.

Spokane Al said...

Wedgie, you tattoo looks terrific. I really like it!

Supalinds said...


:) said...

Love it!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Hmmm. A little needle breaking your skin hundreds of times a minute. I wonder why it hurts?

Anonymous said...

I love it!! I am training for my first IM, im a kiwi girl from New Zealand and would love to get something to celebrate committment, perseverance and those shitty trainning days when all you wanna do it say in bed ... I was thinking something inside the IM logo ... I'm thinking a silver fern :)

Fab tattoo!