Monday, July 7, 2008

Since were showing tat's..

Tac thought he would resurrect the now famous youtube video of Trimama and Kahuna Getting inked....


Spokane Al said...

I am looking forward to seeing the Tac Tattoo!

Taconite Boy said...

Tac got his in Madison last year...very boring compared to this video. I will have to post a pic though.

Tammy said...

Nice! My appt is Aug. 2nd! Pray for me... I hate needles.

Wedgie said...

" a knife going into your calf muscle..." That's EXACTLY what it felt like! I said the same thing: "he's slicing the flesh from my bones."

When I saw this video last year I thought maybe the Kahuna was being a little wimpy. Now I have new respect for him. It hurts!