Friday, June 27, 2008

The After Party

The celebration after IMCDA was legen- wait for it - dary!

For those of you that left early, I've found a video clip that sums up the rest of the night. Just play it over and over, about 7-8 times per person. Then switch. :)

Those of you that were there, this will make you laugh so hard you'll fall off your chair. So don't watch it at work. hee hee hee

I love you all!!!!


Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

Gotta love the Tequila. I'm just saying....

Supalinds said...


OH MY GOD! Shane - you little shit.

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I just peed my pants laughing...

Carrie said...

I just tried to answer the phone after watching this and I couldn't hold back the giggles. At least the rest of you were drunk...

That was perfect Shane!

And by the way, I was most moved by what you told me- seriously- it has made a big difference in my outlook going forward.

21stCenturyMom said...

Damnit! I knew I should have changed my flight to leave a day later. Who doesn't love a tequila love fest?

Anonymous said...

i don't know... i didn't see someone in the background leave because it was getting too mushy... and then 20 minutes later COME BACK because he actually missed the lovefest.

other than that... it was RIGHT ON.

Taconite Boy said...


looked like Blink and I with our cigars out back...sadly