Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bike course

Hi everyone,
I went on to and found a link to the new cda course. I cannot verify it's accuracy, but it does look different than what is posted on the ironmancda site.

Here's the link if anyone is interested.


Spokane Al said...

I attended an IM CDA tri-camp and we rode the course twice this past week following the map from the IM CDA site. It is the same course as last year.

I am a bit unsure how this lines up to the map on your link.

Tea said...

Al--I'm trying to find out what the total elevation gain is.I'm trying to line my training up with a similar course.

I know last year was the first year of the new course. The guy who entered the data says that it is the new course. The mapmyrun link gives a total ascent number for one lap of about 510ft. I just don't know if it's accurate.

On the CDA site, I can't find anything about total ascent.

Do you have that info from your rides?