Sunday, May 25, 2008

Updated Map

A long while back I posted a map on CdA living arrangements by blogger. It's been a while since I updated it, but there have been only a couple of changes.

The Outlaw gang is staying a few million miles to the southeast.

What I'll do is print out a map with streets and bring it with us - if folks want it then, I can give ya a copy. Or, if you have Microsoft Streets and Trips, I have a file I can send you.


greyhound said...

So, are you planning on swimming across the lake to get to the swim start?

Bigun said...

acutally, blink tells me the home owner will take us over when we want, an pick us up as well. We'll see how true that is....

21stCenturyMom said...

The Dread Pirate Rackham and I are staying at the same hotel as IronEric.

Arriving Friday